23 Sep Bram’s journey as a System Administrator at GroupWave
Bram’s journey as a System Administrator at GroupWave
Domino is back, and bigger than ever! And to keep up with the rising demand, we at GroupWave are looking for new talent to reinforce our team of experts. Here to tell us all about what it is like to work at GroupWave is our newest hire Bram Maerevoet, who joined us last April and quickly became a crucial part of our team.
The Road to GroupWave
“I’ve had a somewhat unconventional career track compared to a lot of my colleagues,” Bram begins, “I studied SME management, and worked as a manager in a small company until I decided I wanted a more technical role. So I started working as a helpdesk operator, where I learned everything on the job and was eventually promoted to systems administrator.”
After 6 years, Bram felt it was time to grow even further and eventually decided to start looking for a new challenge. “And that’s how I got to know Kris De Bisschop, managing partner at GroupWave. ,” Bram continues, “I was immediately smitten by Kris’ enthusiasm and experience and knew that GroupWave would be the perfect fit for me. The feeling must have been mutual, because Kris made me a very nice offer and the rest, as they say, was history.”
Getting to know Domino
The story behind Domino was also a very big motivator for Bram: “I worked with Domino a little bit in my systems administrator job, but this was mostly low-level maintenance on legacy systems. I was actually surprised to learn that HCL had taken over development and turned it into an amazingly innovative piece of software.”
Even though Bram already had quite a bit of experience when it came to the older versions of Domino, it quickly became clear that he had a lot to learn when it came to the newer features: “My first days at GroupWave were quite intimidating since most of my colleagues had at least a decade or two of Domino experience. Luckily, they were extremely accommodating and more than happy to answer any questions, no matter how basic or straightforward. They really went out of their way to make me feel welcome and part of the team.”
The Mission
After introductions, Bram spent his first months learning about the ins and outs of Domino by working alongside the experts. “It’s like a total Domino submersion!” Bram chuckles, “But since I’m going to be working both with clients and technically I really want to familiarise myself with every nook and cranny Domino has to offer!”
Bram’s first targets are the many businesses who are still running older versions of Domino, often without even realising it:”It’s really amazing to talk to these people who are still running decades-old software because they simply never had a problem with it,” Bram explains, “but then when you show them the new features and what our team can build in a few days they are simply amazed!”
“In the end, that’s what really convinced me to join GroupWave: getting the chance to be a part of the resurgence of this piece of technology which is both innovative and extremely solid with a proven track record is what motivates me to really give it my all!”
Do you think a job at GroupWave fits your alley? We’re still looking for motivated people to join our forces!
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